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Conference: Future-proof Approaches for Risk Governance – Lessons Learned from Nanomaterials

Conference: Future-proof Approaches for Risk Governance – Lessons Learned from Nanomaterials

We invite you to register your interest in participating in our conference to help shape international approaches to addressing future challenges in risk governance of nano- & advanced materials. This includes safe- and sustainable by design (SSbD) and harmonisation and standardisation.  The conference will comprise two parts:

  1. In person (by invitation only), at the OECD Conference Centre in Paris on the 24th and 25th January 2023. – Document library: Please find here the agenda and relevant background documents
  2. An online session open to everybody on 31st January 2023.

Register your interest to participate via this link

The main aim of our conference is to ensure that results from our projects are taken up to:

  • support the implementation of the Chemical Strategy for Sustainability (CSS)
  • address future challenges in risk governance of new- and advanced materials

Conference approach

We will use interactive roundtables to present and discuss our key results and recommendations with a broad international audience of relevant stakeholders. The outcomes from these discussions are expected to complement and support the work of other stakeholders and initiatives on risk governance of nano- and advanced materials, including on the following themes:

  • Improved governance practices
  • Harmonisation and standardisation approaches
  • Data management (and FAIR data)
  • Accessibility of tools, instruments and guidance via an online portal
  • Effective organisation of risk governance

Why you must attend this conference

The fundamental premise of our projects is that governance must be inclusive.  Thus, we are extending an invitation to all stakeholders that can contribute to this discussion and are involved in ongoing initiatives related to the CSS and/or (risk) governance of advanced materials. This includes representatives from NGOs, industry, research organisations, EC, EU Member States and experts from the OECD WPMN, and in particular those involved in:

  • (Research) projects in the context of the implementation of the CSS, e.g., projects on SSbD
  • Developing harmonisation and standardisation approaches for advanced (nano) materials
  • Nanosafety research
  • Regulatory risk assessment or method development of new (nano)materials

NB spaces for the in-person event are limited so please register your interest at your earliest convenience.

Organised by the NMBP-13 projects NANORIGO, RiskGONE and Gov4Nano in collaboration with the OECD’s Working Party on Manufactured Nanomaterials (WPMN).

Posted by ivocabral on

New Training Material video – NanoQSAR methodology

New Training Material video – NanoQSAR methodology

A new RiskGone training material provides guidance on how to develop appropriate scientifically validated Nano-(Q)SAR/(Q)SPR models for the development of safe-by-design nanomaterials as well as regulatory purposes.

Nano-(Q)SAR/(Q)SPR models are an adaptation of (Q)SAR/(Q)SPR methodology for nanomaterials, where the models may be applied for nanoforms of the same substance or nanoforms of different substances. The specificity of nanomaterials requires a special approach in a few aspects: (i) appropriate characterization of nominal nanoforms and in the test conditions, (ii) descriptors especially enabling the distinction of nano forms of the same substances, and (iii) appropriate definition of applicability domain of Nano-(Q)SAR/(Q)SPR models.