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Posted by marialuisfernandes on

Watch RiskGONE partner presenting in European Researchers Night – Video

Watch RiskGONE partner presenting in European Researchers Night – Video

The European Researchers’ Night is a Europe-wide public event, that aims at displaying the diversity of science and its impact on citizens’ daily lives. This year, the event took place on Friday 24 September. Spread out across 29 countries, the vent brought European researchers together in several activities and events to promote research projects across Europe and shorten the gap between research and the general public.

RiskGONE partners participated in some of these events. In particular, CSIC was part of the programme in the Spanish city of Zaragoza, presenting a talk with the title ‘RiskGONE: Riesgos y Seguridad en Nanotecnología’ (RiskGONE: Risks and Safety in Nanotechnology), under the guise of the question ‘Are there any risks associated with the use of nanomaterials?’.

The talk explored the unexpectedly common presence of nanomaterials and their high impact on society, considering the physical characteristics of nanomaterials, such as particle size, their chemical nature, among others, influence their compatibility with organisms, their biodegradability, their accumulation and their toxic effects.

Additionally, the talk discussed RiskGone as a European project, made up of academic and scientific organizations, that proposes to evaluate the possible toxicological risks involved in the use of nanomaterials in order to subsequently work with governments to achieve legislation on the production, safety, use, containment and disposal of nanomaterials.

Watch the full recording of the presentation below!

Posted by ivocabral on

RiskGONE partners take part in events across the continent on European Researchers Night – check the agenda!

RiskGONE partners take part in events across the continent on European Researchers Night – check the agenda!

European Union 2020

On 27 November 2020, researchers across Europe will meet the public (mostly online) and showcase their work through hands-on experiments, science shows, games, quizzes, competitions, exhibitions, and digital activities. It’s the European Researchers’ Night!

RiskGONE partners are participating in some of these important events, aimed to shorten the gap between research and the general public. We seek to raise awareness on how different kinds of nanomaterials are used in daily applications and how we can manage the risks that some of they may pose to the environment and human health.

Find the agenda below! 


27 November 2020

Dechema LIVE Session 1 (13:00-14:00 CET):

Deutsch: Sie möchten mehr über Nanomaterialien erfahren, wie sie in Produkten genutzt werden und  wie der Stand der Sicherheitsforschung zu Nanomaterialien ist? Dann besuchen Sie unsere Veranstaltung, hören sie einen Fachvortrag von Dr. Christoph Steinbach (Dechema), nehmen Sie an einem Quiz teil und diskutieren Sie live mit Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftlern über die Themen, die Ihnen am Herzen liegen.

Zugangslink (Plattform Zoom):

English: Would you like to learn more about nanomaterials, how they are used in products and what the state of safety research on nanomaterials is about? Then visit our event, listen to a lecture by Dr. Christoph Steinbach (Dechema), take part in a quiz and discuss live with scientists about the topics you are interested in.

Access link (Zoom platform):


Dechema LIVE Session 2 (18:00-19:00 CET):

Deutsch: Sie möchten mehr über Nanomaterialien erfahren, wie sie in Produkten genutzt werden und  wie der Stand der Sicherheitsforschung zu Nanomaterialien ist? Dann besuchen Sie unsere Veranstaltung, hören sie einen Fachvortrag von Dr. Christoph Steinbach (Dechema), nehmen Sie an einem Quiz teil und diskutieren Sie live mit Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftlern über die Themen, die Ihnen am Herzen liegen.

Zugangslink (Plattform Zoom):

English: Would you like to learn more about nanomaterials, how they are used in products and what the state of safety research on nanomaterials is about? Then visit our event, listen to a lecture by Dr. Christoph Steinbach (Dechema), take part in a quiz and discuss live with scientists about the topics you are interested in.

Access link (Zoom platform):


CSIC/Universidad de Zaragoza (physical event in Zaragoza, Spain)

La noche investigación 2021

Register here:


More events by NANORIGO, RiskGONE partner project, at ERN

27 November 

At 18.30 (CET), Scotland’s ERN Explorathon is featuring  Making Nano Work for Us – a NANORIGO video and family quiz hosted by  OPTIMAT with Mark Morrison.


  • The NANORIGO video is also featuring on the Scottish Research Showcase at 14.00 (CET) [@EU_NANORIGO]


Discussions will go about nanoscience and health:

–        What makes SARS-CoV-2 successful?

–        Viruses are biologic nanoparticles

–        What is nano and where do we find it?

–        Can nano fight Covid?

–        How safe is nano and who cares?


More events by Gov4Nano, RiskGONE partner project, at ERN

1.‘Life is Science‘ event: Nanotechnologie – Wie sicher sind die Produkte und wer entscheidet das? – Life is Science



And find here some of the materials produced for this special day!